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1. Watch the video
2. Choose your activities:

Circle of Life

Cycles of nature, cycles of life

Everything has its place

the importance of every living thing

The Importance of Bees

The small bee plays a big important role

Make a Garden

make a mini-garden

Nature Art

get creative with found nature items

Nature Scavenger Hunt

seeking out all the wonders of the world

Slow Food vs. Fast Food

where does our food come from?

Web of Being

Everything is connected to everything else

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3. Track your progress:

Keep track of the activities you have completed on your Francis and Friends Passport.  When you have completed 5 or more Mind Activities, you can download your achievement certificate (below). Earn the achievment certificates in each of the Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength units, and you can send a message to Francis and Clare that you have earned your Francis and Friends Award Medal.  


If you haven't created a Passport yet, click below to create one.

4. Earn your awards:

Have you completed 5 or more Mind activities?  Great! Download your Certificate of Achievement.

5. Share and find ideas:
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